--  Object id to object name list. With folder + rpf names for easy sorting\search.

local object_list = {

    [217182521]         = "nbx_saplin_palmetto_abl2"                                    , -- hex_hash: 0x0CF1F139 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [584948066]         = "p_balconyflagnbx01x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0x22DD9962 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1295598744]        = "p_barbpolenbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x4D394498 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [228235097]         = "p_barrelhoistnbx01x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0x0D9A9759 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-2065790230]       = "p_beerboardnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x84DE8AEA -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [83496496]          = "p_bellhangnbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x04FA0E30 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-181840910]        = "p_bellwallnbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0xF52953F2 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [417130503]         = "p_benchironnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x18DCE807 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-2114635534]       = "p_benchironnbx02x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x81F538F2 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [235371147]         = "p_benchnbx01x"                                               , -- hex_hash: 0x0E077A8B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [984271877]         = "p_benchnbx02x"                                               , -- hex_hash: 0x3AAACC05 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-279692555]        = "p_benchnbx03x"                                               , -- hex_hash: 0xEF543AF5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [497672421]         = "p_bollardnbx01x"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x1DA9E0E5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1286550667]       = "p_bowlplantnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xB350CB75 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1230230844]       = "p_bowlplantnbx01xb"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xB6AC2AC4 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1819257632]        = "p_bowlplantnbx02x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x6C6FAB20 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-119283384]        = "p_canalpolenbx01a"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xF8E3E148 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1237623824]       = "p_canalpolenbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xB63B5BF0 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1283142505]       = "p_canalpolenbx02x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xB384CC97 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [477079071]         = "p_canalpolenbx03a"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x1C6FA61F -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [181994226]         = "p_canalpolenbx03b"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x0AD902F2 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [14544632]          = "p_canalpolenbx03c"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x00DDEEF8 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-283882651]        = "p_canalpolenbx03d"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xEF144B65 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1408734522]        = "p_canalpolenbx03x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x53F7953A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [749478396]         = "p_candleboxnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x2CAC21FC -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1778841675]       = "p_chairironnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x95F907B5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-657219114]        = "p_chairnbx02x"                                               , -- hex_hash: 0xD8D3A1D6 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1345208079]       = "p_chairwicker03x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0xAFD1C0F1 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [311419807]         = "p_cherubstatuenbx01x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x128FE39F -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [2019374710]        = "p_coffeeboardnbx01x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0x785D3676 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1649174004]       = "p_couchwicker01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x9DB39A0C -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-675322203]        = "p_ctyhal_left_door01x"                                       , -- hex_hash: 0xD7BF66A5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [2079134332]        = "p_ctyhal_ryt_door01x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x7BED127C -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1965727482]        = "p_debrisboardsstd01x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x752A9EFA -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-196322648]        = "p_debrisboardsstd02x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0xF44C5AA8 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1014738925]        = "p_debrisboardsstd03x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x3C7BAFED -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1939727477]        = "p_debrispilestd01x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x739DE475 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1152978484]        = "p_debrispilestd02x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x44B90E34 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1259474412]       = "p_debrispilestd03x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xB4EDF214 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1312760648]        = "p_debrispilestd04x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x4E3F2348 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [108138011]         = "p_debrispilestd05x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x06720E1B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1646639947]       = "p_debrispilestd06x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x9DDA44B5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [324186976]         = "p_debrispilestd07x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x1352B360 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-346430985]        = "p_debrispilestd08x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xEB59E1F7 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-917561741]        = "p_displaycasenbx01x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0xC94F1E73 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [649253761]         = "p_displaycasenbx02x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0x26B2D381 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1738436398]       = "p_dollynbx01x"                                               , -- hex_hash: 0x986190D2 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1900258608]       = "p_doorbronte01x"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x8EBC5AD0 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-539600078]        = "p_door_gatenbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xDFD65B32 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1813139241]        = "p_door_gatenbx01x_static"                                    , -- hex_hash: 0x6C124F29 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [51652981]          = "p_door_gatenbx02a"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x03142975 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1351487145]        = "p_door_gatenbx02a_static"                                    , -- hex_hash: 0x508E0EA9 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1288977644]        = "p_door_gatenbx02b"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x4CD43CEC -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1862926415]        = "p_door_gatenbx03a"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x6F0A004F -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [677704454]         = "p_door_gatenbx03x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x2864F306 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [859229101]         = "p_doorsaloonnbx01x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x3336CBAD -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [703748386]         = "p_door_sd_hotel01x_l"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x29F25922 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-618073592]        = "p_door_sd_hotel01x_l_static"                                 , -- hex_hash: 0xDB28F208 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-14384249]         = "p_door_sd_hotel01x_r"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0xFF248387 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [175807588]         = "p_door_sd_hotel01x_r_static"                                 , -- hex_hash: 0x0A7A9C64 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-2130100737]       = "p_door_traingate_l"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x81093DFF -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1433954014]        = "p_door_traingate_r"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x557866DE -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [922438787]         = "p_door_warehougate_l"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x36FB4C83 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1552086670]       = "p_door_warehougate_l_static"                                 , -- hex_hash: 0xA37D0972 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-965252227]        = "p_door_warehougate_r"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0xC6776B7D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1427725724]        = "p_door_warehougate_r_static"                                 , -- hex_hash: 0x55195D9C -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1940306115]       = "p_door_wrh_02_1_01x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0x8C59473D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-743009452]        = "p_door_wrh_02_2_l"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xD3B69354 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1501480798]       = "p_door_wrh_02_2_r"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xA68138A2 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1788428636]       = "p_door_wrh_gate_l"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x9566BEA4 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1075276881]       = "p_door_wrh_gate_r"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xBFE893AF -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1964944490]        = "p_dragon_chinatown01x"                                       , -- hex_hash: 0x751EAC6A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-848273342]        = "p_fountainbronzenbx01x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xCD706042 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1583829424]       = "p_fountainnbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0xA198AE50 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1593421479]        = "p_fountainnbx02x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x5EF9AEA7 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1293816498]        = "p_hairpomadeboardnbx01x"                                     , -- hex_hash: 0x4D1E12B2 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-897307800]        = "p_hanginglanternnbx01x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xCA842B68 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1025974149]       = "p_hanginglightnbx01x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0xC2D8E07B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1011621489]        = "p_lamphangnbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x3C4C1E71 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1181203503]        = "p_lampstreetnbx02x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x4667BC2F -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [313354087]         = "p_lanternnbx01x"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x12AD6767 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [178388623]         = "p_leveesignnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x0AA1FE8F -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-963692917]        = "p_lightcourtnbx01x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xC68F368B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-439290870]        = "p_lightcourtnbx02x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xE5D0F40A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [807354590]         = "p_lightpolenbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x301F40DE -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1542969482]       = "p_lightpolenbx02x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xA4082776 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [164065767]         = "p_lightpolenbx03x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x09C771E7 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [956878665]         = "p_lightpolenbx04x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x3908CF49 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1353604096]       = "p_lightpostjksqnbx01x"                                       , -- hex_hash: 0xAF51A400 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-136266983]        = "p_lightpostnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xF7E0BB19 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1059247002]        = "p_lightwallnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x3F22D39A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1588695447]        = "p_lightwallnbx02x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x5EB19197 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-204488923]        = "p_lightwallnbx03x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xF3CFBF25 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [689828951]         = "p_litternbx01x"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0x291DF457 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1533711304]       = "p_litternbx02x"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0xA4956C38 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-829997845]        = "p_litternbx03x"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0xCE873CEB -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-953920045]        = "p_mandolinboardnbx01x"                                       , -- hex_hash: 0xC72455D3 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1208188762]        = "p_menuboardnbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x48037F5A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-429940943]        = "p_nbxcloseddoor"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0xE65F9F31 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1752866264]        = "p_nbx_closed_door_02"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x687A9DD8 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-662270600]        = "p_nbx_splitdoor01"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0xD8868D78 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [55108348]          = "p_nbx_splitdoor02"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x0348E2FC -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1146920554]        = "p_nbx_splitdoor02_static"                                    , -- hex_hash: 0x445C9E6A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [907735768]         = "p_nbx_splitdoor03lft"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x361AF2D8 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-227607442]        = "p_nbx_splitdoor03rht"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0xF26EFC6E -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [296475460]         = "p_newspaperbw01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x11ABDB44 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [966068974]         = "p_newspapernbx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x39950AEE -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [72261261]          = "p_newspapersdx01x"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x044E9E8D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1204390781]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_01x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x47C98B7D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1336121837]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_02x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x4FA399ED -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1994549002]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_03x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x76E2670A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1394751480]       = "p_newspaperstandbl_04x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xACDDC808 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-845772643]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_05x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xCD96889D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1631338878]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_06x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x613C417E -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-516046661]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_07x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xE13DC0BB -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1969186034]       = "p_newspaperstandbl_08x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x8AA09B0E -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [972847243]         = "p_newspaperstandbl_09x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x39FC788B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [118682854]         = "p_newspaperstandbl_10x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x0712F4E6 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1044670116]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_11x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x3E4466A4 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1850320245]       = "p_newspaperstandbl_12x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x91B65A8B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-595353396]        = "p_newspaperstandbl_13x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xDC83A0CC -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [958376863]         = "p_newspaperstandbl_14x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x391FAB9F -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1714425769]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_01x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x66300FA9 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-930165647]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_02x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xC88ECC71 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [363390980]         = "p_newspaperstandnh_03x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x15A8E804 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1138965576]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_04x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x43E33C48 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1879676404]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_05x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x700995F4 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [605816842]         = "p_newspaperstandnh_06x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x241C080A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-566395466]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_07x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xDE3D7DB6 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [28294286]          = "p_newspaperstandnh_08x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x01AFBC8E -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1239928285]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_09x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x49E7CDDD -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [2070497734]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_10x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x7B6949C6 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1661540862]        = "p_newspaperstandnh_11x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x630919FE -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [619585293]         = "p_newspaperstandnh_12x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x24EE1F0D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [664378468]         = "p_newspaperstandnh_13x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x27999C64 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1938006448]       = "p_newspaperstandnh_14x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x8C7C5E50 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-466065644]        = "p_newspaperstandsd_01x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xE4386714 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1752675247]       = "p_newspaperstandsd_02x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x97884C51 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1265801662]        = "p_newspaperstandsd_03x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x4B7299BE -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1689111892]        = "p_newspaperstandsd_04x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x64ADCD54 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [2008741006]        = "p_newspaperstandsd_05x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x77BAF48E -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-836689283]        = "p_newspaperstandsd_06x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xCE21227D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1230083132]       = "p_newspaperstandsd_07x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xB6AE6BC4 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1842764901]       = "p_newspaperstandsd_08x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x9229A39B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [989296264]         = "p_newspaperstandsd_09x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x3AF77688 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1158848560]       = "p_newspaperstandsd_10x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xBAED5FD0 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [198772578]         = "p_newspaperstandsd_11x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x0BD90762 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [913759669]         = "p_newspaperstandsd_12x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0x3676DDB5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1472348695]       = "p_newspaperstandsd_13x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xA83DBDE9 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1085576036]       = "p_newspaperstandsd_14x"                                      , -- hex_hash: 0xBF4B6C9C -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1664431991]        = "p_newspapervalx01x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x63353777 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-521827604]        = "p_newsstand01x_new"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xE0E58AEC -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1397289443]       = "p_new_stonebench02x"                                         , -- hex_hash: 0xACB70E1D -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1687145282]        = "p_palletnbx01a"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0x648FCB42 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1894966280]        = "p_palletnbx01b"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0x70F2E408 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [484615431]         = "p_pierpolenbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x1CE2A507 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-692771950]        = "p_pie_train_stop"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0xD6B52392 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-2140524120]       = "p_planter03a"                                                , -- hex_hash: 0x806A31A8 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [576214299]         = "p_planternbx01x"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x2258551B -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1756621269]        = "p_planternbx02x"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x68B3E9D5 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [2112264229]        = "p_planternbx04a"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x7DE69825 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1419527561]        = "p_planternbx04b"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x549C4589 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1703012180]        = "p_planternbx04c"                                             , -- hex_hash: 0x6581E754 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [1212444826]        = "p_plantpothangnbx01x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x4844709A -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1993215592]       = "p_plantpothangnbx02x"                                        , -- hex_hash: 0x8931F198 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [-1128945796]       = "p_plantpotnbx01x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0xBCB5A77C -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
    [2039293632]        = "p_plantpotnbx02x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x798D26C0 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
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    [406182099]         = "p_plantpotnbx04x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x1835D8D3 -- areas | p_new_01.rpf
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    [722032443]         = "p_exoticprops19x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x2B09573B -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
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    [-1789307025]       = "p_exoticprops24x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x9559576F -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
    [845189127]         = "p_exoticprops25x"                                            , -- hex_hash: 0x32609007 -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
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    [1582583944]        = "p_int_houseware03"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x5E545088 -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
    [1881338917]        = "p_int_houseware04"                                           , -- hex_hash: 0x7022F425 -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
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    [195092632]         = "p_sto_goods36x"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0x0BA0E098 -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
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    [1819316842]        = "p_sto_meats02x"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0x6C70926A -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
    [1747480194]        = "p_sto_meats03x"                                              , -- hex_hash: 0x68286E82 -- interior | int_general_store.rpf
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    [1483912043]        = "p_gunsmithprops07x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x5872B36B -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [1246696332]        = "p_gunsmithprops08x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x4A4F138C -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [1758941560]        = "p_gunsmithprops09x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x68D75178 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-1960221014]       = "p_gunsmithprops10x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x8B2966AA -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [620404098]         = "p_gunsmithprops11x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x24FA9D82 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [1285286860]        = "p_gunsmithprops12x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x4C9BEBCC -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-1081097486]       = "p_gunsmithprops13x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xBF8FC2F2 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [1515551375]        = "p_gunsmithprops15x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x5A557A8F -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-1904395214]       = "p_gunsmithprops16x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x8E7D3C32 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-618865920]        = "p_gunsmithprops17x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xDB1CDB00 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [1056351194]        = "p_gunsmithprops18x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x3EF6A3DA -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [2021102507]        = "p_gunsmithprops19x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x787793AB -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-1178819197]       = "p_gunsmithprops20x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xB9BCA583 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-2078033562]       = "p_gunsmithprops21x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x8423B966 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-856732144]        = "p_gunsmithprops22x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0xCCEF4E10 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [1211777952]        = "p_gunsmithprops23x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x483A43A0 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [114849734]         = "p_gunsmithprops24x"                                          , -- hex_hash: 0x06D877C6 -- interior | int_gunsmith.rpf
    [-75897139]         = "p_gunsmithprops25x"